The military truck the fire company had received in April has been placed in service. Designated 70-09 this truck can be used for brush fires, high water rescues and other special hazard assignments. 70-09 is outfitted with a 300 gallon water tank with pump and pre connected lines for fire …
Military Truck Received
In March 2018 the Parkertown Fire Company took possession of a GSA military vehicle. This vehicle is primarily used in conjunction with the NJ Forest Fire Service for fighting brush fires it can also be used in high flood water situations if needed. The truck is currently being painted and equipment …
Stroke: Know the signs
Strokes can be scary and can happen to anyone, but if you are able to recognize the signs and get help quickly your chances of making a full recovery are greatly improved. Take the time to learn FAST. FAST is an easy way to remember and identify the most common symptoms of a stroke. F stands …